Away from my Laptop

Thank you for your HTTP request. Unfortunately I am out of my MacBook Pro for the next two weeks. In urgent cases, please contact the ugly Dell Notebook my company provides me with. I will come back to you when my Macbook Rebooting troubles have been resolved.

One thought on “Away from my Laptop”

  1. I’m a mac addict, but I must say I’m surprised at the breakdown rate. Good thing apple support is excellent, I guess. My macbook (CD-white-simple) had 2 RSDs, a total-loss harddrive, and a discolourizing case, and now a broken CD ejection mechanism. A friend of mine had a MacBook Pro first, with a broken powerpack, and then a MacBook, with so far no problems. Another friend has a MacBook with RSD, and a fuzzy mouse button (tactile feedback almost non-existent when pressing the mouse button. Unbelievable, but that really totally ruins mousing)…

    and Boris ( just reported his macbook pro broke again, rebooting troubles.

    And still I wouldn’t have a PC notebook. Interesting.

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